I offer telehealth services to connect with my clients virtually. I will also be available one day a week for in person sessions at either my DC or Virginia office.
Phone: 703-847-5793
Email: Click here
Virginia Office
405 N. Washington Street
Suite 104
Falls Church VA 22046
This office is five minutes from Rte. 66. It is located in downtown Falls Church. In non-rush hour traffic it takes about 20 minutes from downtown DC and 25 minutes from Fairfax VA. The building is called the Baptist Alliance Building and is set back from N. Washington Street in a large parking lot. (I have no personal connection to the Baptist Alliance.) Suite 104 is on the left side of the Lobby.
Washington D.C. Office
2000 P Street N.W.
Suite 610
Washington, D.C. 20034
The building is just off DuPont Circle itself on P Street. It is within a block from DuPont Metro. Parking is on the street in the neighborhood and can be challenging to find, so I recommend leaving plenty of time to find parking if you drive.