Resources |
My Professional Guidance:
Podcast Episodes |
Articles |
Books |
Marriage |
5 Love Languages, The, by Gary Chapman |
Dance of Anger, The, by H. Lerner |
Relationship Cure, The, by John Gotten |
Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, The by J. Gottman |
We Can Work It Out, by Notarius and Markman |
Parenting |
Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships In The Digital Age, The, by Catherine Steiner-Adair and Theresa Barker |
Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax, MD PhD |
Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey |
Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and More: What Parents and Teachers Really Need to Know to Empower Complicated Kids with Confidence and Calm, The by Elaine Taylor-Klaus |
Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture by Virginia Sole-Smith |
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kid Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish |
Masterminds & Wingmen Helping Your Son Cope With Schoolyard Power, Locker-room Tests, Girlfriends, and the New Rules of Boy World by Rosalind Wiseman |
Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl World by Rosalind Wiseman |
Self-Driven Child, The, by Stixrud and Johnson – A wonderful resource for helping children and teens navigate life well in this era of stress and chaos. |
Sleeping Through The Night: How Infants, Toddlers and Parents Can Get a Good Night’s Sleep, by Jodi Mindell |
When Your Child Needs Help; A Parent’s Guide to Therapy for Children, by Fassler and Dumas |
Why Girls Talk–And What They’re Really Saying: A Parent’s Survival Guide to Connecting with Your Teen by Susan Morris Shafferand Linda Perlman Gordon |
Parenting and Step-Parenting in Divorce |
Always Dad – Being a Great Father During and After a Divorce, by P. Mandelstein |
Between Parent and Child, by Haim Ginott (Updated and Revised by Alice Ginott) (Regarding communications between parents and children) |
Becoming a Step-Family, by Patricia Papernow |
Fatherneed, by K. Pruett |
No One’s The Bitch: A Ten-Step Plan for the Mother and Step-Mother Relationship, by Jennifer Newcomb Marine and Carol Marine. (Written by a mother and step-mother in one family.) |
Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships, by Patricia Papernow |
Teens are Nondivorceable – A Workbook for Teens and Parents, by S. Bonkowsky |
Vicky Lansky’s Divorce Book for Parents, by V. Lansky |
We’re Still Family, by Constance Ahrons |
When Parents Part: How Mothers and Fathers Can help their Children Deal with Separation and Divorce, by Penelope Leach |
Divorce — Books for Children and Teens |
Dinosaurs Divorce, by Brown and Brown |
Divorce is not the End of the World, by Zoe, Evan and Ellen Sue Stern. An honest, easy to read, wise book for ages 9 – 16 (or even a bit older). This book is written by two kids and their divorced mom and covers topics from “Stop Trying to Make Me Feel Better” all the way to “I Don’t Want To Meet Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend!” It does not minimize the heartache, but it’s an upbeat book focused on how kids can cope, recover and thrive. |
How It Feels When Parents Divorce, by J. Krementz |
Huge Bag of Worries, The, by Virginia Ironside (Not specifically about divorce but helpful in general for children coping with tough times.) |
Invisible String, The by Patrice Karst, Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Illustrator) |
It’s Not the End of the World, by J. Blume |
It’s Not Your Fault Koko Bear, by V. Lansky |
Two Homes, by Claire Masurel A book for toddlers. This book is very basic, with a concrete look with big pictures for pre-schoolers about living in two homes. Best for 1 – 3 year olds. |
What Can I Do?: A Book For Children Of Divorce by Danielle Lowry, Bonnie J. Matthews (Illustrator) |
Divorce — Books for Parents |
Good Divorce, The, by Constance Ahrons |
Graceful Divorce Solutions, by Marcy Jones, JD “A comprehensive and protective guide to saving you time, money and your sanity.” |
How to Sleep Alone in a King-Size Bed: A Memoir by Theo Pauline Nestor |
No One Is to Blame: Freedom from Compulsive Self-Defeating Behavior; the Discoveries of the Quadrinity Process by Bob Hoffman |
Your Divorce Advisor, by Mercer and Pruett | Collaborative Practice Professionals |
Collaborative Divorce, by Tesler and Thompson (mental health perspective) |
Collaborative Way to Divorce, The by Webb and Ousky (lawyers’ perspective) |
Mastering Crucial Moments in Separation and Divorce by Kate Scharff, MSW and Lisa Herrick, PhD (read reviews here) |
Navigating Emotional Currents in Collaborative Divorce: A Guide to Enlightened Team Practice by Kate Scharff, MSW and Lisa Herrick, PhD (lawyers’ perspective) |
Videos |
A Message to Kids and Teens of Divorce – Resource for Parents and Kids |
Ted Talk: Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity … a talk for anyone who has ever loved |
View CNN story on two of my prior Collaborative divorce clients. |
Websites |
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals IACP |
D.C. Academy of Collaborative Professionals DCACP |
Virginia Collaborative Professionals VaCP |
Collaborative Professionals of Northern Virginia CPNV |