I also provide services as a Collaborative Divorce Coach and Child Specialist.
Collaborative Divorce Practice is a new model of family law which helps families through separation and divorce while protecting the adjustment of the children as well as the parents. For example, a Collaborative Divorce Coach and Child Specialist will help parents learn how to talk to their kids about divorce. Each Collaborative team consists of two attorneys, at least one Collaborative Coach, and a Financial Neutral. The Collaborative Team works together, with the family, to move the clients through separation and divorce with respect, integrity, and attention to the needs of each person in the family. Collaborative Practice is often less expensive than traditional family law models, while providing people with their own control over decision-making. The Collaborative process is very effective at fostering creative solutions to both parenting issues and property and financial divisions. In the Collaborative Model, there is an agreement that the parties will not litigate the divorce. You can download the form, Collaborative Coach and Child Specialist Agreement from our Forms page. This provides a sense of safety and honesty that is often difficult to achieve in an adversarial process.
As a Collaborative Coach, I also help clients work through their financial and property settlements in conjunction with their attorneys and financial expert. Whether we are focusing on financial issues, or parenting issues, I facilitate communication, and the articulation of my clients’ goals and needs.
I also provide services as a Child Specialist, bringing the voices and feelings of the children into the Collaborative discussions.
My colleagues and I have established the Collaborative Practice Center of Greater Washington to help with this process. Please ask me about the benefits of this center.